Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guacamole and Mashed Sweet Potatoes

I was zonked out watching a documentary on the couch while T made dinner tonight. This is wonderful because I would probably have made a protein shake and been done with it. Cold weather makes for rambunctious children. Rambunctious children make for a tired teacher. It might snow tomorrow down here (very unusual for this southern town) so every one is excited about it including myself.

T made grilled pork chops, guacamole, and mashed sweet potatoes. Recently I found out avacados are very tasty so we have been including them in a lot more meals to make up for lost time. The mash is one of my favorite side dishes because it is spicy, sweet, and a beautiful orange!

3 smashed avocados (not too smooth, texture is your friend)
1/2 diced yellow onion
1 partially seeded minced jalapeno (more seeds more heat)
3 minced cloves of garlic
juice of one lime
salt & pepper to taste
1 diced roma tomato

Mix together everything until it is your desired consistency. T suggests that you add the tomatoes last so they don't get all smooshed.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes
3 sweet potatoes (as T said these were "freaking massive", if no "massive" sweeties can be found 4-5 normal ones would suffice)
1/3 cup of coconut milk (unsweetened full fat version, we usually get the 'Taste of Thai' brand)
1 or 2 chipotle peppers diced with a little juice from the can (These babies can pack a huge punch so tread lightly if you are not a fan of heat. )
1" piece of fresh, minced, peeled, ginger

Cut and boil potatoes. Don't peel them please! All the good stuff is there in the skin. Plus it adds texture. See my comment above about texture.
Drain potatoes and mash.
Add coconut milk, ginger and peppers, and stir until combined.
Salt and pepper if you like.

We ate this with some grilled pork chops seasoned with Spike seasoning. I felt like including a silly photo this time. I hope you don't mind.


  1. nice picture I like the ghost shot of T in the background! looking hungary too.
    yo mamma
