Monday, February 7, 2011

Broccoli Soup

I try not to waste food. I save celery tops, and chicken carcasses for chicken stock. I save all matter of glass and plastic jars. Recently I've been eating a lot of broccoli and saving the stems. The pretty flower part of broccoli is usually the part we eat. But, that huge stem is just as tasty and useful. So every time I had a broccoli stem I'd do a rough chop and stick it in a freezer bag with the rest of my discarded stems. I even threw a few cauliflower stems in the bag.

This last weekend I decided it was time to use the stems. I used them, and a few other sad, wilting, vegetables and made soup. Soup is the best way I know to clean out a fridge. This soup is creamy without cream or flour. It is a delicious vegetable soup with just enough kick to warm those cold toes.

Broccoli Soup
one mostly full freezer bag of broccoli/cauliflower stems. (about 6 cups I think)
3 sad and wilted stalks of celery
2 sad and wilted sprigs of green onion
1 diced small yellow onion
1 diced red jalapeno (jalapenos get red and spicier when ripe)
2 chicken bullion cubes (chicken stock would have been better but I didn't have it)
4 qt of water
1 roasted head of garlic
4tbs almond flour and butter for a roux (you can use regular flour too)
I forgot the pepper oops!

Start by roasting the garlic. Place the entire head into some tinfoil cover completely and roast at 350 until soft 20-30 minutes.
While that roasts cook the celery, onion, and jalapeno in a little butter. Cook on medium high until the onions start to look clear.
Put broccoli, cooked veggies, bullion, and water into a large stock pot.
Bring to a boil and stir until bullion is combined into water.
Add the garlic. When the garlic is cooked you can easily peel off the cloves and squeeze it out like toothpaste. Roasted garlic is much more mild than fresh garlic so use all of it.
Reduce the temperature to low and let it simmer for about 45 minutes.
When all the veggies are soft turn off the heat.
Carefully blend the soup in a blender and return to stock pot.

It got frothy in the blender.

I made a roux out of the almond flour and butter. I wasn't able to get it as browned as I could with regular flour but it helped thicken the soup a little more. If you don't want to make a roux you can always cook the soup uncovered for a little longer to thicken it up.

This is such a warm and delicious soup that I'm having it twice today. If you eat dairy I'd suggest some cheese to top this too.

The soup is not the most photogenic so please don't judge it based on it's looks.


  1. have whole back of Broccoli in fridge - yup looks like tonites dinner will be Broccoli soup! wiht a side of left over Backed Chicken from sunday nite! yes yes yes
    your mom
